Frequently Asked Questions

Please ensure your dog has been fed at least 3 hours to prior to their swim.

Yes, It’s essential for the health of all our guests that your pet is up to date with vaccinations and has adequake tick prevention before boarding.

Yes, as long as it’s within reason.

Yes, absolutely all meals are inlcuded. However, if your pet requires a special diet for medical reasons, please provide the necessary food.

Yes, but we don’t not take responsibility for the toys.

Photos are taken everyday and uploaded to our facebook page regularly.

We are open for drop off & pick up from 8am to 5pm, 7 days a week. Please drop off and pick up within these hours.

We do have a Pet Taxi Service for your pet. Prices vary based on your current location.

Absolutely, We’re proud of our facilities and encourage you to see them for yourself before making a booking. There’s no need to book an appoinment, just drop in for an inspection between 9am – 3pm, 7 days a week.

As per government guidelines we adhere to the rule of six from your safe bubble.

Our staffs are in attendance to instruct you on the correct and safe use of the facilities. They are not available to assist with swimming instruction, looking after your pet, looking after your children or providing any kind of medical advice whatsoever.

Not necessary but yes, if you want to. Our sessions are designed for you as owners to enjoy spending time with your dogs and developing a deeper bond with them.

No, we do not offer swimming lessons, we will try to provide you with some guidance on the best ways for you to get your dog comfortable with swimming.

We do not have a recommended age as this is up to you to decide. Please ensure they are fully vaccinated prior to going swimming for their own safety.

As the sessions aren’t private we do not recommend childern’s attendance but this is entirely up to you. All children under 18 needs to be accompanied in the pool and supervised in and out the pool at all times and is the sole responsibility of their parents or guardians.

If you have a wet suit please feel free to wear this. If not a swimsuit/shorts will be fine but we do recommend you bringing a t-shirt as your dog's claws can be surprisingly sharp.

We recommend you be ready with your swimming gear, please shower at home before arrival as per our Covid-19 guidelines. We do have facilities available for you to change afterwards into dry clothing.

Most dogs are natural swimmers although they may need a little encouragement the first time but most get in fine and swim around with a little encouragement by the owner. Once they have been in the first few times they generally love the pool.

In our experience, most dogs are great swimmers. If not we have doggie life jackets from small to extra large.

We recommend speaking to your vet prior to booking them in for a leisure swim. We do not offer hydrotherapy. Again, If you are concerned with anything we would always suggest you ask your vet if they think it would be of benefit.

We run daily tests on PH, and Chlorine levels in accordance with the safe usage of our pool.

We allow up to four dogs in one session.

Just like the common cold in humans, your dog can catch Canine Cough.

Canine Cough, also known as Infectious Tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious upper-respiratory disease which is spread by an airborne virus. The incubation period of the disease is roughly 3-7 days. The main symptom is a gagging cough, sometimes accompanied by sneezing and nasal discharge which can last anywhere from a few days to several days. Although this cough is very annoying it does not usually develop into anything more serious. However just as with the common cold, it can lower the dog's resistance to other diseases making him/her susceptible to secondary infections, and so he/she must be observed closely to avoid complications.

Tracheobronchitis does not occur naturally in Kennels but is brought into the facility by an infected dog. Since these viruses can be present anywhere, and can travel for considerable distances through the air, they can affect any dog, even one who never leaves its own backyard. Your dog can catch Tracheobronchitis when running loose or while being walked near other dogs on the street or in the park.

No amount of supervision, sanitation, or personalised care can prevent a dog from “catching” an airborne virus. All that a good boarding kennel can do is to strongly recommend immunisation against tracheobronchitis, refuse to board any obviously sick dog, listen and watch for any signs of sickness, and make sure that any dog requiring veterinary attention receives it as quickly as possible.

As is always the case, we recommend that you consult your vet should you have any concerns.

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